Tuesday 23 September 2014


One a cold Sunday day I went oust side to play a game called trains.  The rules are to drive to the stop sign then come back to my house.  My neighbors arial came with her electric scooter  we attach a bumper car and a wagon to it. Azaria started driving and arial was pedaling me and josh were holding a rope connected to arial. Me and josh were in the waggon then arials bumper car flipped over doing a wheelie. (79) We kept on going down the road and arial was still on the ground with the bumper car next to her it was so funny arial was laughing too when we came back from the stop sign.  I hooked her back up and we switched places and I was was in the bumper car spot we started driving really fast and I started twisting and turning right left right left and I almost flip over then there's like a little hill josh swung me and I was sideways in the bumper car.(91)